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Identifying ADHD in Kids: Signs Every Parent Should Know Jul 8th, 2024

Did you know that 1 in 9 kids in the United States is diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), prompting researchers to label it a growing public health concern?  And when we say growing, we’re referring to the fact that between 2016 and 2022, ADHD diagnoses in kids rose by an...

What Are the Early Signs of Multiple Sclerosis? Jun 6th, 2024

Did you know that nearly a million Americans are living with multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune condition that targets your central nervous system? While this condition may sound serious, and it is, there’s much that we can do to improve your quality of life and manage symptoms if we’re able...

3 Strategies for Managing Peripheral Neuropathy May 2nd, 2024

You experience sudden, and unpredictable, shock-like sensations in your lower legs. Or maybe you’re dealing with numbness and tingling in your hands that are making everyday tasks a little more challenging. Peripheral neuropathy, which involves damage to the nerves outside your central nervous system, is a challenging condition to deal...

5 Common Migraine Triggers Apr 2nd, 2024

Migraines affect about 10% of the global population, which means hundreds of millions of people around the world share the same goal as you do — prevent the headaches in the first place.  One of the key steps toward this goal is to understand what triggers your head pain. While...

3 Best Practices for Dealing With Sciatica Mar 13th, 2024

Whether it’s your first experience with sciatica or you’ve been down this lower back pain road before, you’re all too aware that this is one health issue that’s best left in the rearview mirror. Unfortunately, the lifetime prevalence for sciatica is fairly high — it ranges between 10% and 40%....

What We Want You to Know About Anxiety and Your Health Feb 9th, 2024

Anxiety is incredibly common in the United States. It affects nearly 20% of adults, to say nothing of all the kids and teens who are struggling with excessive worry and fear. There are many different roads that can lead to anxiety and our team here at Complete Neurological Care wants...

Act FAST— Signs of a Stroke (and What to Do Next) Jan 8th, 2024

When someone has a stroke, acting quickly is paramount, which means knowing the signs. If you consider that a person has a stroke every 40 seconds in the United States, we’re talking about big numbers, and there can come a time when this event hits close to home. To help...

6 Early Signs of Parkinson's Disease Dec 8th, 2023

When people hear, “Parkinson’s disease,” the visual that often first comes to mind is shaking and tremors. While the hallmarks of this neurodegenerative disorder do include movement disorders, Parkinson’s disease can lead to more symptoms than you might realize. To give a better idea of the many different ways in...

The Many Faces of Seizures Nov 10th, 2023

If Hollywood were our only reference, we would believe that all seizures involve someone dropping to the ground, their eyes rolling up into their head, and convulsing violently. While this scenario can happen, the truth is far more complex, as seizures can take on many different forms. At Complete Neurological...

Neck Pain: What To Do When Home Remedies Aren't Enough Oct 2nd, 2023

Dealing with neck pain is no small thing. If you’re unable to turn your head comfortably, you’re not able to see, hear, or even smell the world around you all that easily. As a result, you experience difficulties with everything from driving your car to figuring out where your kids...

4 Common Sleep DIsorders — And How We Can Help Sep 2nd, 2023

Under ideal circumstances, you lay your head down at night, and 7-9 hours later, you wake up well rested and ready to take on whatever the day throws at you. But for 50-70 million Americans, this isn’t the case thanks to a sleep disorder. Problems with sleep quality can have...

Should I Be Worried About Fainting? Aug 2nd, 2023

Losing consciousness, even for only a few seconds, can be a frightening experience, and we understand why you want to investigate. We’re going to start with some good news — in 75% of cases of fainting, nothing serious is in play. But what about the remaining 25%? Here at Complete...

Are Vertigo and Dizziness the Same Thing? Jul 5th, 2023

You stand and suddenly the world spins around you. Or you feel lightheaded, faint, and woozy and you need to sit down. In the first scenario, we’re describing vertigo, while dizziness covers the second.  Approximately one-third of Americans experience brief episodes of dizziness or vertigo at various points in their lives. If...

The Difference Between Developmental Delays and Autism Jun 2nd, 2023

Waving hello, taking a first step, learning to play with others — these are developmental milestones that you look for in children. When a child doesn’t reach milestones by a certain time, there are many different possibilities that may be causing the issue, with developmental delays and autism spectrum disorder...

Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Be Avoided? May 1st, 2023

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common nerve entrapment issue in the United States, affecting 4-10 million people. While it may not qualify as a serious neurological issue, it can be a nagging one and have no small impact on your ability to use your wrist freely. If you’ve had carpal tunnel...

6 Signs of Depression You Shouldn't Ignore Apr 5th, 2023

Mental health conditions like depression are tricky to identify under the best of circumstances, as symptoms can vary and the effects accumulate over time. That said, given that depression affects more than 21 million Americans, we have a good understanding of the many ways this mood regulation disorder can manifest...

Is There a Difference Between Tremors and Movement Disorders? Mar 2nd, 2023

The question posed in the title of this blog is whether there’s a difference between tremors and movement disorders. The answer is complex. Movement disorders affect about 42 million people in the United States, and tremors are at the top of the list. To help you understand the relationship between a tremor and a movement...

Are Any of These Factors Contributing to Your Unsteadiness? Feb 3rd, 2023

You get up from your chair and feel dizzy or perhaps you just feel less and less steady on your feet when you move around. There are any number of issues that can lead to unsteadiness. The possibilities range from musculoskeletal and cardiac issues to intoxication and neurologic disorders. As...

Helping a Loved One With Memory Loss Jan 4th, 2023

About one in nine adults age 45 or older in the United States has some degree of memory loss or confusion. If you have a loved one who is part of this large group, life can become frustrating — for you and for them. Dealing with memory loss can be tricky, but there are...

Life After a Stroke Dec 7th, 2022

Every 40 seconds, someone has a stroke in the United States. It’s one of the leading causes of disability. No two strokes are the same, and the complications after a stroke vary from one person to the next. What we can say is that, more often than not, life changes...

Tremors: A Complex Condition Nov 30th, 2022

To call tremors complex is somewhat of an understatement. Tremors develop for any number of reasons — some of them perfectly benign, like overworking your muscles, while other tremors may indicate something far more serious, such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis. As neurology experts, our team here at Complete...

Help for Neuropathy Oct 3rd, 2022

If you’re struggling with neuropathy, you’re in good company. Research suggests that at least 20 million Americans have some degree of nerve damage. Experts also feel that this number is, in reality, much higher due to underreporting and misdiagnosing. Numbers aside, dealing with nerve damage can be frustrating and our team here at Complete Neurological...

Why Botox® May Be the Solution to Managing Your Migraine Pain Sep 8th, 2022

Anyone who has had a migraine — and there are 1 billion people worldwide who have — can tell you that it is one condition they’d rather not have to deal with in the first place. A migraine is a type of headache that, once it takes hold, is difficult...

Living with Epilepsy Aug 1st, 2022

If you or a loved one has joined the nearly 3.5 million people in the United States who are diagnosed with epilepsy, you likely have some questions, starting with what life will be like moving forward.  The good news is that with the right medical team in your corner, the outlook is...

4 Signs Your Tension Headache Is Actually a Migraine Jul 1st, 2022

Nothing can hijack your life quite like a headache, which is the third leading cause of time lost due to illness worldwide. There are about 150 different types of head pain, but we’re going to focus on two of the more common headaches here — migraines and tension headaches. At Complete Neurological Care, our team...

Diagnosing and Managing Dementia: What Every Adult Should Know Jun 14th, 2022

Dementia is a disease that affects your cognitive abilities, such as thinking and remembering things. It ranges in severity from mild to so severe that you have to depend on others for everyday living. It’s a scary disease, but understanding how to manage it helps you and those you love...

Pediatric ADHD Treatment & Medication Jun 18th, 2021

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder found in children who have difficulty paying attention or controlling impulsive behavior. The symptoms of ADHD may vary in each child and hence, must be diagnosed by a certified and highly experienced pediatric neurologist. Signs of diagnosing ADHD in childrenThe most...

Seven Tips about Depression, Anxiety Relief, Panic Attack, and its Treatment Jun 10th, 2021

At present, the world is seeing a sharp rise in the number of people facing neurological and psychological disorders. These issues can be a result of many things ranging from chemical imbalances to stress in the surroundings. It is impossible to avoid the conditions that may lead to these ailments,...

Are My Shaking Hands a Concern? Apr 15th, 2021

As we age, especially past the age of 60 or 65, it seems our hands can shake slightly when we’re trying to perform an action with them. Many people simply associate this with the slackening of the muscles that’s a part of aging. These shaky hands are commonly referred to...

Measuring Your Brain’s Electrical Activity Mar 15th, 2021

At Complete Neurological Care, we provide a wide range of diagnostic procedures as the first step before treatment. One of those is a mouthful — the electroencephalogram. Here’s more about this important diagnostic tool. What is an electroencephalogram? An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that detects electrical activity in your...

The Sciatic Nerve and that Tingling Leg Feb 14th, 2021

It may have been a while since you felt as if you were “tingling” with excitement. Maybe it was before a big date when you were in high school. Maybe it was on Christmas morning when you were a little kid. Now that we’re older, tingling usually is a sign...

What’s Causing My Fainting Spells? Nov 15th, 2020

We’ve all experienced those moments where we stand up too quickly and the world goes black for a moment. We get dizzy and sometimes even pass out. But what do you do if you have that dizzy sensation more often than the occasional moment of standing up too quickly? What...

How to Treat Migraines when You Can’t Take OTC Treatments Oct 15th, 2020

Migraines are extremely painful and debilitating headaches that can interfere with your daily life and activities to a great degree. For most people, some form of over-the-counter medication tends to work to relieve the symptoms, whether it’s a specifically formulated migraine medication or just Tylenol or Advil. But what happens to...

Can IV Therapy Improve My Health? Sep 15th, 2020

From treating migraines to boosting your immune system, IV therapy is something more people are turning to in order to improve energy levels, improve chronic fatigue conditions, and even battle depression. How Does IV Therapy Work – and Why Is It More Effective than Taking a Supplement When you take supplements, a...

Is Your Headache a Pain in the Neck? Aug 14th, 2020

There are so many different types of headaches and headache causes that sometimes, people just learn to live with the discomfort, take pills to alleviate what pain they can, and wait for the headache to pass. But certain headaches may actually be caused by something you can control – neck pain....

Early Signs of Multiple Sclerosis Jul 15th, 2020

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressively disabling neurological disease affecting the central nervous system. MS is an autoimmune disease. Permanent damage to the nervous system is caused when the person’s immune system attacks the myelin – the protective layer surrounding the nerves and disrupting communication between the brain and the body....

More than Pills for Neck and Back Pain Jun 15th, 2020

If you experience chronic neck or back pain and you are uncomfortable taking a lot of pills to manage your pain, there may be other solutions that are not as invasive as surgery but are more effective than traditional physical therapy and NSAIDs. We offer a variety of therapies that have proven...

How Do I Know If It’s a Migraine? Apr 15th, 2020

Until you’ve experienced a migraine headache, it can be difficult to know the difference between it and other headaches. But migraines have specific symptoms and treatment protocols that make it easier for you to cope with them. What Is a Migraine? A migraine is more than just a headache; it is a...

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s Mar 15th, 2020

Dementia versus Alzheimer’s is confusing, and for good reason. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably. However, dementia is a general term for any type of mental decline that interferes in the daily life of a person, while Alzheimer’s is a specific and diagnosable disease. Understanding Dementia Dementia is a generic term...

Signs that a Loved One May Have Parkinson’s Disease Feb 14th, 2020

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition caused by nerve cells breaking down and lowering dopamine levels. This causes tremors, rigidity, and progressively worsening mobility and loss of motor control issues in patients. The symptoms progress at a different rate in each person, and each person may exhibit symptoms differently. While...

How Does IV Therapy Help Treat Depression? Jan 15th, 2020

Depression is more than just occasionally feeling sad. It is a debilitating mental health condition that leaves people unable to function in their day to day lives. While there are a variety of treatments available, from behavioral therapy and counseling to antidepressant medications, IV therapy is a new and upcoming treatment that...

How Do I Know If I Have Vertigo? Dec 15th, 2019

Have you ever been on a merry-go-round or played a game that required you to spin around a number of times before doing something? That feeling you get when you get off the merry-go-round or stop spinning is what vertigo feels like. But for people who have vertigo, there has...

When to Seek Help for Anxiety Nov 15th, 2019

Everyone experiences some anxiety, but how do you know when to seek help for anxiety? It can depend on several factors, including how debilitating the anxiety is. What Is Anxiety? Anxiety is a natural response to stress. It carries over from primitive days when we needed quick reactions to avoid threats. Since...

Can Migraines Lead to Other Neurological Issues Oct 15th, 2019

If you have ever experienced a migraine, you’ll know that the extraordinary pain is like no other headache. We’ve had patients come in with migraines who were in so much pain they could not open their eyes, could not drive, could barely get out of bed. In some cases, they...

Symptoms of Essential Tremor Sep 15th, 2019

Essential tremor, also called kinetic tremor, is a neurological disorder that causes shaking (tremors) throughout the body. The tremors can affect the hands, face, head, forearms, and other parts of the body, including the larynx (your voice box). Katherine Hepburn suffered from essential tremor, which affected her head and larynx...

The Three Types of ADHD Aug 26th, 2019

What is ADHD?   Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition that makes it more difficult for sufferers to focus their attention and to control hyperactive behaviors. It is a common disorder with signs that often appear by the age of six. Symptoms last for life.  What are the first signs of ADHD? ...

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Concussion? Jul 19th, 2019

Concussions are very common injuries, and although most people recover fully from them, they should be taken very seriously. What is a Concussion? A concussion is a brain injury that’s often caused by a blow or jolt to the head or by whiplash. It makes the brain move around in...

Benefits of Exercise When Depressed Jun 17th, 2019

What Are the Mental Health Benefits of Exercise? Exercise has a variety of mental health benefits. It results in the release of endorphins, which trigger positive sensations throughout the body. The purpose of endorphins is to reduce awareness of pain and increase your mood. This is the source of the...

Is Parkinson’s Disease Genetic? May 13th, 2019

What is Parkinson’s Disease? Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system. It is a progressive condition and causes widespread degeneration within the brain. What Are the Causes of Parkinson’s Disease? Approximately 15% of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease have a known family history of the disorder. Genetic inheritance...

Can Panic Attacks Affect My Mental Health? Apr 11th, 2019

What is a Panic Attack? A panic attack is an episode characterized by intense fear and related physical symptoms. Most panic attacks subside within 5-15 minutes. Many panic attacks are isolated incidents, but panic attacks can recur regularly if someone is suffering from an anxiety disorder, especially if it is...

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Headaches – DIY Mar 26th, 2019

Constant headaches can be distracting and interferes with your ability to perform daily activities. Being it, a very common condition, most people deal with it daily. Although frequent occurrence of headaches can result in more serious conditions. However, there are many medications that can be used to relieve the headache symptoms, an...

Best ADHD Treatment in NYC Mar 19th, 2019

Do you fidget and have trouble concentrating? These are two hallmark symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, commonly called ADHD. This condition doesn’t just affect kids. In fact, adults can suffer from ADHD as well. What is ADHD? ADHD is a condition that hinders your ability to stay focused and exert impulse...

Migraine vs. Headache Mar 10th, 2019

Everyone gets a headache from time to time. Although headaches go away with a little rest and sometimes with the use of medication, there are other kinds of headaches that you should take seriously and see your doctor for treatment. What is a Headache? A headache is characterized by pressure...

How to Reduce Stress? Feb 26th, 2019

Stressors can make our bodies release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. When hormones are frequently released, it can lead to high blood pressure, lowered immune responses, heart attacks, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. It is important for your physical and mental health to manage stress. 5 Ways to Reduce...

How to Determine If You Have a Pinched Nerve? Feb 26th, 2019

A pinched nerve can produce uncomfortable and possibly painful sensations in the affected area. The pain and numbness are a result of increased pressure that leads to irritation or damage to a nerve. It’s common to see pinched nerves involving back pain or neck injury, but almost any nerve is...

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Jan 22nd, 2019

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? A nerve, called the median nerve, runs through the middle of your wrist, from your forearm into the hand palm, through a pathway named the carpal tunnel. When there is irritation in the carpal tunnel, it puts pressure on the median nerve. The results can...

Best Ways to Manage Anxiety Jan 22nd, 2019

You can greatly improve your quality of life when you learn how to manage your anxiety. Anxiety management is being able to live with your anxiety and still function at your best.When you’re feeling stressed or anxious. Follow the below tips to help change your mood. Distract Yourself Distract yourself...

How Do Neurologists Diagnose Dementia? Dec 17th, 2018

What Is Dementia? Dementia is a general term that describes a constellation of symptoms affecting cognitive ability. People who suffer from dementia have a variety of different impairments in memory, thinking, and social skills that are serious enough to cause problems with day to day life. Dementia becomes more likely with...

What to Do If You Have a Concussion? Dec 17th, 2018

What Are Concussions? Millions of concussions take place annually in the United States, affecting everyone from kids and teens to adults and seniors. A concussion is a short-term functional brain injury caused by trauma to the head. It can be sustained through a relatively light blow. It is important to...

Treatment for Epilepsy Nov 9th, 2018

What is Epilepsy? Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by sudden and severe seizures. These episodes are marked by convulsions, sensory disturbance, and potential loss of consciousness. Episodes often take place suddenly, although certain environmental triggers may be involved. How is Epilepsy Diagnosed? Epilepsy is suffered by both children and adults....

Symptoms of Memory Loss Nov 9th, 2018

Memory loss affects everyone to one degree or another with age. However, significant memory loss should not be considered a “normal part of aging.” When memory loss is profound, it typically signals that there is something that needs urgent attention. This is also true when memory loss occurs at an...

What Are IV Fusion Treatments? Oct 15th, 2018

What is the Myers Cocktail? The Myers cocktail is a special combination of vitamins and nutrients that can be introduced directly into the body of a patient through an IV infusion. It contains, among other things, magnesium, calcium, and a wide range of B and C vitamins in a precise...

Symptoms of Neurological Disorders in Children Oct 15th, 2018

What Are Neurological Disorders in Children? A neurological disorder is any symptom-producing disorder caused by problems in the brain or nervous system. All these disorders involve the brain, spinal column, or nerves in some way. Some may worsen over time, while others present the same symptoms throughout life. Neurological disorders...

What Causes Seizures? Sep 13th, 2018

With symptoms like shaking, confusion, and loss of consciousness, having a seizure is a frightening experience. If you’ve had a seizure, a neurologist will conduct a thorough examination to determine the cause of your seizures and start a course of treatment to keep subsequent episodes to a minimum. What Is...

Treatments for Muscle Weakness Sep 13th, 2018

If you experience muscle weakness, you may chalk it up to being out of shape or just getting older. Sometimes reduced muscle strength is a sign that you overexerted y ourself in a workout or other physical activity you’re not used to. However, persistent muscle weakness is not normal and...

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Aug 17th, 2018

Parkinson’s disease is the second most prevalent neurological disorder in the U.S. One million people currently have Parkinson’s and 60,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. What Is Parkinson’s Disease? Classified as a neurodegenerative disease, Parkinson’s disrupts a person’s motor skills due to the loss of brain cells that produce...

Symptoms of ADHD Jul 20th, 2018

If you’ve noticed your child is disruptive and defiant, has trouble concentrating, has difficulties getting along with others, and seems easily distracted, they have ADHD. What Is ADHD? ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a common behavioral disorder that is identified when a child displays a consistent pattern of inattention...

How to Treat Epilepsy Jul 20th, 2018

Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder and affects people of all ages. More than 3 million people in the US have epilepsy. What Is Epilepsy? Epilepsy is a neurological condition in which a person has recurring seizures. A seizure is an episode where the normal connections in the...

How to Have a Stress Free Summer? Jun 13th, 2018

Summer is a time of year that many people look forward to, especially if they’re planning a vacation. Keeping stress under control is key to having a fun summer and trip, since chronic stress can have a negative impact on your mind and body. How Can You Avoid Stressful Situations?...

What Causes Essential Tremors? Jun 13th, 2018

Essential tremors aren’t usually a dangerous condition, but they can worsen over time and make it more difficult for you to complete your daily activities. What Are Essential Tremors? An essential tremor is a neurological disorder that causes part of your body to shake uncontrollably. It most commonly occurs in...

How Botox Injections Help Neurological Disorders May 16th, 2018

Botox is best known for its ability to reduce the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles, but it also yields important medical benefits. Regular Botox injections can help with a variety of neurological conditions as well as the pain and other symptoms that can be associated with them. What is...

Memory Loss Treatments May 16th, 2018

Everyone forgets things from time to time, but you may wonder if your memory loss is normal or if it needs treatment. It’s a common question, especially as people get older. What Are Some Common Causes of Memory Loss? Memory loss can have many different causes, including the following: Medications...

What Causes Vertigo? Apr 30th, 2018

The sudden sensation that the room around you is moving while you’re not is disorienting and alarming. But it is also fairly common and can occur for a number of reasons. This strange feeling is called vertigo, and it’s often described as feeling like the room is spinning. Most people...

Treatments for Alzheimer’s Apr 23rd, 2018

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, you know firsthand the difficulties of living with this devastating condition as either a patient or caregiver. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for Alzheimer’s, but there are steps you can take to slow the progression of the disease and...

Are Strokes Genetic? Mar 29th, 2018

What Are Strokes? A stroke is a medical emergency characterized by inhibited blood flow within the brain. Brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die off. Strokes can occur virtually anywhere within the brain and have wide-ranging repercussions based on the specific details. More than 6 million people...

What is a Muscle Spasm? Mar 20th, 2018

We expect our muscles to comply with our every command without giving it a second thought. Whether it’s to get off the sofa and walk to the refrigerator for a snack or train for a marathon, our muscles usually do as they’re told. However, our muscles sometimes make their presence...

Ways to Help with Cabin Fever in the Cold Feb 27th, 2018

Freezing temperatures. Gloomy, short days and long nights that seem to last an eternity. These normal winter conditions dampen the spirits of even the hardiest souls. Before you know it, you realize you haven’t done much of anything lately but stare at the walls and daydream about spring. If you...

How I can Help My Child with Headaches Feb 23rd, 2018

Like adults, children are not immune from suffering with occasional headaches. In fact, 20% of children are susceptible to tension headaches, while another 5% get migraines. As a parent, there’s nothing worse than feeling helpless when your child is in pain. Read on to learn about the different types of...

Can the Cold affect My Headaches? Jan 31st, 2018

The onset of cold weather can cause many people to experience more than just a change in the temperature. When a cold front passes through, the barometric pressure drops. This change in the air pressure can cause sinus or ear pain. If the cold air is dry, it can dry...

5 Ways to Relieve Stress in 2018 Jan 29th, 2018

Stress is like a small crack in a windshield. If the crack is left unaddressed, its tentacles spread throughout the glass until it completely breaks down. Stress works the same way. If left untreated, stress rises and has growing negative impacts on your physical and mental health. A traditional time...

Ways to Stay Focused at Work Dec 29th, 2017

It’s not always easy to stay focused at work. Your overall health, nutrition, sleep hygiene, and the body’s natural rhythms all influence how tough it is to stay on task. Even when most of a day seems to breeze by, there are times even the most energetic people are likely...

Is ADHD Genetic? Dec 26th, 2017

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), can affect your child’s home and school life and make things more difficult for him or her. It’s a very common brain disorder, but there’s still a lot that’s not completely understood about what causes it. What is ADHD? ADHD is a biological brain disorder...

Ways to Stay Fit During the Holidays Nov 20th, 2017

The holiday season often means indulging in turkey, eggnog, festive cookies, and more. You may also cut back on your fitness routine, or even abandon it entirely as the weather cools. You probably have more demands on your time with shopping, parties, and other holiday activities, so fitting in a...

What is a Tension Headache? Nov 16th, 2017

When you suffer from frequent headaches, knowing what type you have can help determine the right customized treatment. Tension headaches are among the most common types that occur. Symptoms of Tension Headaches Tension headaches differ from other headaches in terms of where they occur and what specific symptoms they cause....

What Helps Headaches? Oct 27th, 2017

Constant headaches can hinder your quality of life. When you’re in frequent pain, it’s hard to concentrate and stay focused – both at home and at work. You may find it difficult to engage in the activities you enjoy. Headaches are one of the most common health complaints in the...

What Causes Anxiety? Oct 24th, 2017

An anxiety disorder can interfere with your ability to enjoy life. Your body may experience a persistent “fight or flight” response, which can lead to panic attacks. What are some common risk factors for anxiety? Certain factors can increase your risk of developing anxiety. These include: Genetics – If a parent...

Am I Having a Panic Attack? Sep 28th, 2017

Many situations can contribute to panic attacks, even if you have never had one before. An attack can indicate underlying mental health concerns or prolonged stress that should be addressed. Even if you’ve had a panic attack before, feeling “prepared” for one is tough. Is It a Panic Attack or Something...

5 “Brain” Foods Sep 27th, 2017

Protecting your brain with the right foods can help boost your overall productivity. Consider adding one or more of these foods to your regular diet to maintain a healthy brain. Berries Blueberries, strawberries and other types of berries containing antioxidants can help reduce cognitive decline. Antioxidants have qualities that reduce...

Silent Stroke Symptoms Aug 22nd, 2017

Noticeable signs, such as slurred speech or sudden vision problems, usually accompany having a stroke. However, silent strokes can be much more difficult to notice. Silent strokes increase the risk of progressive brain damage, it’s important to be familiar with possible symptoms. Stroke vs. Silent Stroke A stroke happens when...

Ways to Relieve Back Pain Aug 14th, 2017

Back pain can arise from many medical conditions. It can also be attributable to lifestyle factors including habits, posture, and weight. Whatever the source, back pain is a serious problem. Luckily, there are things you can do to reduce back pain on your own. Through certain techniques, it becomes possible...

Remedies for Knee Pain Jul 26th, 2017

Knee pain can arise from many sources, and the risk of experiencing it regularly tends to increase with age. Arthritis is one of the most common causes of knee pain. However, it can happen at any age as a result of repetitive stress, athletic injuries, or simple overuse. Here’s how...

What to do When My Child Suffers from Anxiety? Jul 24th, 2017

A child can feel anxious for many reasons. As a parent, it’s sometimes difficult to know if your child needs help, and if so, how to help. What are some signs that your child is experiencing anxiety? Anxiety is a completely normal feeling of stress, but can turn into a problem if...

The Ins and Outs of Nerve Pain Jun 27th, 2017

Nerve pain can range in causes and severity. The pain can be constant and affect every aspect of your day-to-day life. If left untreated, symptoms could result in serious health conditions. Different Types There are several different causes of nerve pain: Chemical Metabolic Trauma Autoimmune Infection Hereditary conditions Some people’s...

Tremors and How to Tackle Them Jun 14th, 2017

What is a Tremor?  A tremor is an involuntary, rhythmic muscle movement that result in shaking in one or more body parts. Tremors can affect the following: Hands Arms Head Vocal cords Legs Torso Many people report experiencing tremors intermittently while others suffer from a consistent, chronic form of involuntary...

What’s the Difference Between a Headache and a Migraine? May 23rd, 2017

A migraine causes a headache, but not all headaches are migraines. Here’s the difference and when to seek medical attention. Headaches Headaches can vary from something minor, like a headache that accompanies sinus congestion, to a severe, life-threatening condition like a stroke. The location of the pain may vary and...

Three Ways to Ease My Anxiety May 9th, 2017

Anxiety can take on many forms, making it difficult for sufferers to achieve feelings of comfort and safety. Anxiety is not comparable to occasional jitters when preparing for a test, speech or meeting. It is a pervasive mental health condition where powerful, irrational worries may have no obvious cause. Anxiety is...

How CBD Oil Can Help Your Epilepsy Apr 24th, 2017

Epilepsy is a severe neurological disorder that can result in unpredictable seizures and a variety of other health conditions. Although seizures can affect any part of the body, the source of all symptoms starts in the brain. What Happens to Your Brain During a Seizure? During a seizure, your brain will...

What to do When Someone is Having Seizure? Apr 20th, 2017

A seizure can look scary when witnessed for the first time; they are unpredictable and can often occur in a public place. Being able to know what to do while someone is undergoing a seizure can make a huge difference. Don’t Panic It’s important to know there are different types...

The Impact of Teenage Drinking on the Brain Mar 15th, 2017

Drinking alcohol has long been considered a rite of passage for teenagers. However, emerging research indicates that the teen brain is much more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol than was once believed. Alcohol can actually damage the brain, affecting many cognitive abilities, judgment, and impulse control – sometimes permanently....

Bell’s Palsy or Stroke – Which is It? Feb 15th, 2017

Bell’s palsy and a stroke differ primarily in their symptoms and what part of the body is affected. If you suffer from Bell’s palsy, you will develop weakness or paralysis over your entire face, whereas a stroke will be confined to the lower part of the face. Additionally, a stroke...

Signs of Neurological Disorders in Children Feb 1st, 2017

Neurological disorders affect the way the brain or nervous system functions with symptoms that vary depending on where the dysfunction occurs. The sooner a neurological disorder is identified, the better it is for your child. Undiagnosed disorders can cause a great deal of difficulty that will seriously lower the quality...

Neurology & ADHD: What’s the Connection? Jan 20th, 2017

ADHD has long been considered a behavioral disorder. Children diagnosed with this disorder have difficulty with impulse control, often have anger outbursts and have issues with attention, which can be the inability to focus or hyper-focus that blocks out everything else. The child finds it nearly impossible to stay still...

What is Tourette’s Syndrome? Jan 17th, 2017

Tourette’s Syndrome is a neurological disorder that is thought to affect anywhere from one to ten people in every one thousand. The person with Tourette’s is subject to involuntary physical or vocal movements that are often repetitive in nature. What Exactly is Tourette’s Syndrome? It isn’t completely known what causes...

Can a Better Diet Delay Memory Loss? Dec 20th, 2016

Diet and nutrition have long been known to affect your health way beyond just giving you basic nutrition. The role of food in the formation, treatment, and avoidance of disease is becoming increasingly well known. Diet is now known to be a huge factor in health, and you can use...

Why You Should See a Neurologist About Your Concussion Dec 16th, 2016

Head injuries occur in a range of different situations. A fall, if you hit your head on something, playing contact sports like football or hockey, or a car accident. Most of the time, you find a small bump or slight tenderness and you might not give it a second thought....

Sciatica Treatment Using Sacroiliac Joint Injections Nov 30th, 2016

Have you developed pains around your lower back area? Maybe around your hips, especially when you sit down? These symptoms can be a serious concern for most, as you may be experiencing symptoms of sciatic pains. Sciatica is a serious condition and requires medical attention if pains around your lower...

Conditions That Require Treatment By a Neurologist Nov 30th, 2016

Those suffering from pain, muscle weakness and other neurological condition symptoms don’t have to continue to endure the discomfort and inconvenience. The treatments available today are more effective than ever at relieving the symptoms. An NYC resident may seek out the assistance of a neurologist to achieve a better quality...

What is a Pinched Nerve and How Can I Treat It? Oct 17th, 2016

What is a Pinched Nerve? Nerves are bundles of fibers that transmit messages throughout the body. Sometimes a person may experience a pinched nerve, also known as a nerve compression. A pinched nerve may vary in severity, meaning some individuals experience a slight amount of numbness temporarily while others experience...

What Measures Can I Take to Prevent Carpal Tunnel? Oct 13th, 2016

Many individuals, particularly those who spend a significant amount of time involved in activities that involve repetitive or forceful wrist or hand movements, deal with carpal tunnel syndrome. Some of the common activities that may increase the risk for carpal tunnel include working with tiny instruments, using a sander, knitting, driving, and...

Signs of Seizures in Children Sep 22nd, 2016

More than three million Americans suffer from epilepsy, and while this medical problem can occur at any age, most new diagnoses occur in children. Epilepsy, a disease that affects the central nervous system, causes electrical signals in the brain to misfire, and this often results in seizures. For many children, seizures...

What Happens During a Seizure? Sep 20th, 2016

It can be very frightening if you or someone around you is having an epileptic seizure. To help alleviate some of the anxiety here is some very important, practical information. What happens during a seizure? A seizure is usually an unprovoked disturbance of consciousness, behavior, emotion, motor function or sensation as a result of...

What is the Difference Between Adult and Pediatric Neurology? Aug 22nd, 2016

Neurology involves the structure, functions, and organic disorders of the brain and nervous system. Neurologists are medical doctors who have specialized training in the diagnosis, treatment and handling of dysfunctions of the brain and nervous system that can cause physical and psychological symptoms. Brain development starts in pregnancy and continues...

Four Possible Causes for Memory Loss Aug 11th, 2016

Memory loss is often the subject of jokes about getting older, but in many cases, memory loss is a sign or symptom of something more. You need to have an evaluation to figure out what is going on before it gets worse. Sometimes the cause turns out to be a...

Seizures: Why You Should See a Doctor Jul 15th, 2016

One in every twenty-six people develops seizures in the US. Of these people, ten percent of them have unprovoked seizures. However, one seizure does not mean that you have epilepsy. If you have epilepsy, your seizures can be treated with anti-seizure medication. If that does not work, your doctor might...

Botox for Migraines Jul 15th, 2016

In the quest for relief from debilitating migraines, people are willing to try just about anything. People with chronic migraines usually have severe headaches for fifteen or more days per month. This means that their quality of life is significantly affected. The only chance for relief that they have is...

The Link Between Tremors and MS Jun 18th, 2016

Up to six percent of the population suffers from tremors that start out earlier in life but become worse over time. By the time treatment is sought, the person may have experienced embarrassment, worry and a decrease in quality of life. Many people do not realize there is help with...

The Psychological Benefits of Pain Management Jun 7th, 2016

The Psychological Benefits of Pain Management Pain is distress associated with actual or possible tissue damage. According to the American Pain Society, pain affects more Americans than cancer, diabetes, and heart disease put together. Normally, pain is differentiated based on its persistence and its impact on an individual’s life. For example, acute...

The 3 Benefits of IV Infusion Treatment For Migraines May 16th, 2016

Migraine pain can be so intense that people feel overwhelmed and unable to perform everyday tasks. People suffering from migraines or cluster headaches are often saddled with disabling pain. These individuals can also suffer from photophobia, when light intensifies the pain. Some experience nausea or vomiting due to the severe...

How Neurology Affects Sleep Apnea May 5th, 2016

How Neurology Affects Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is a type of sleep disorder that is characterized by interruptions of an individual’s normal breathing sequence during sleep. This interruption will typically occur repeatedly throughout the night and will often last for 10 seconds or longer. Persons with sleep apnea will often...

What are the Differences Between a Headache and a Migraine? Apr 18th, 2016

When you feel pain and pressure in your head, it is not easy to tell whether you are suffering from a migraine or a normal headache. However, you need to know the difference between typical headaches and migraines. Recognizing the difference can mean better treatments and faster relief. Moreover, it...

Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis & Misdiagnosis – Get It Right The First Time Mar 28th, 2016

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition resulting from a nerve in your wrist being pinched. Sufferers may feel a burning, numbing, tingling or itching feeling in the affected hand(s). Many patients report a swollen feeling in their hand and a loss of grip strength. You may first notice your...

What are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Mar 28th, 2016

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when a nerve that runs through your wrist becomes pinched. Your median nerve goes through a structure in your wrist known as carpal tunnel. When the space is narrowed, it puts pressure on your median nerve. This irritates the nerve and causes the symptoms associated with...

Neurology and Effective Pain Management Mar 28th, 2016

Chronic pain is characterized as pain that lasts for more than a few weeks or even years. It may stem from an injury, such as back pain or other medical conditions, including fibromyalgia, arthritis or headaches and migraines. If you suffer from chronic pain, you are probably all too familiar...

Back Pain: Effective Treatment Starts With Proper Diagnosis Mar 25th, 2016

The vast majority of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. The National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Strokes estimates that 80% of all adults will experience pain at least once during their lives. The fact that most people will encounter it doesn’t make it any...

What Causes Nerve Pain and What Are the Available Nerve Pain Treatments? Mar 24th, 2016

Pain is the sensory and emotional experience allied to actual or potential tissue damage. As far as most people are concerned however, pain is pain. But what is nerve pain and how does it differ from other types of pain? What is Nerve Pain? Also referred to as neuropathic pain,...

Migraine Treatment Options for When Over-the-Counter Medications Don’t Work Mar 23rd, 2016

It sometimes starts with a warning: a dull pain in the forehead, flashes of light or even a tingling sensation in the arms or legs. Twenty to sixty minutes later, it hits, and it hits hard. It’s debilitating in intensity: pounding, throbbing head pain, nausea, blurred vision and severe sensitivity...

Mini Strokes: Why Timely Treatment For a TIA is Critical Mar 23rd, 2016

TIA is an acronym for transient ischemic attack. A TIA is commonly referred to as a “mini stroke,” and although you’re seldom left with the lasting damage that a major stroke causes, it’s something you should take seriously. What is a TIA? A TIA is similar to a stroke. A...

Lifestyle Changes to Help TIA Sufferers Mar 23rd, 2016

A Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) occurs when blood flow to the brain stops temporarily. A TIA lasts only for a few minutes, wherein the body will experience symptoms that resemble those found early on in an stroke. A TIA is a common precursor to a stroke and you should seek...

What Is Neurology? Mar 23rd, 2016

The body is made up of a series of complex systems. Among them, the cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory system. The one system, however, that controls the others is the nervous system. This is why it is important to know about the field of neurology. What is Neurology? Neurology is the...

Welcome to the Complete Neurological Care Blog May 15th, 2015

Welcome to the Complete Neurological Care blog where we’ll be discussing issues and topics related to neurology and pain management. Complete Neurological Care is a medical group specializing in headache, seizure, and spine treatments focusing on neurology and pain management. We are pleased to announce a brand new look on...